Mark Glanville, Mathias Hausmann & Anthony Russell, basses
With Alan Mason, piano
Concert Summary
In a unique story-telling performance format, basses Mark Glanville, Mathias Hausmann, and Anthony Russell together present a sweeping tapestry of modern Jewish life in Central Europe and beyond across the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. In the first half of the program, they each offer different portraits of nineteenth-century Jewish song.
Focusing on Vienna, Mark Glanville rescues from obscurity the rare secular German art songs written by a man better known as the father of modern synagogue music, Cantor Salomon Sulzer.
Anthony Russell highlights the transitional moment for east European Jews, reintroducing the great tradition of Yiddish art song, which turned the sounds of a traditional world uprooted into plaintive folk hymns. Mathias Hausmann offers a fin-de-siècle counterpoint in the form of classic lieder by two major central European composers, Alexander Zemlinsky and Gustav Mahler.
In the second half of the concert, the three men turn to the twentieth century experience of exile and remembrance. Glanville delivers exquisite readings of immigrant songs of longing for a world consumed by war and revolution. Hausmann ventures into the Exile songbook of the masters of modern German song, with selections from Hanns Eisler, Erich Wolfgang Korngold, and Eric Zeisl. Russell closes the concert with a unique round of Yiddish laments for the lost world of Jewish Europe, followed by his stunning original composition, which, in his words, “combines diverse strains of traditional Jewish and African-American music directly at points of spiritual, melodic and textual convergence.”
Performance Timing: Approximately 105 minutes, including 15 minute intermission
Part 1: Nineteenth-Century Songs of Jewish Europe (45 min.)
Mark Glanville with Alan Mason
Orientalischer Liebegruss (S. Sulzer)
Anliegen (S. Sulzer)
Die Briefe (S. Sulzer)
Anthony Russell with Alan Mason
May ko mameloshn (trad., arr. N.L. Zaslavsky)
Der Gemore nign (S. Belarsky)
Akhris Hayomim (I. Alter, arr. S. Belarsky)
Mathias Hausmann with Alan Mason
Tod in Ähren * (Zemlinsky)
Mit Trommeln und Pfeifen* (Zemlinsky)
Ich bin der Welt abhanden gekommen (Mahler)
Mark Glanville, Mathias Hausmann, and Anthony Russell with Alan Mason,
Wanderlied Israelitische Handwerker (S. Sulzer)
Part 2: Twentieth-Century Songs of Exile and Remembrance (45 min.)
Mark Glanville, Mathias Hausmann, and Anthony Russell with Alan Mason
Oy, vos ken you makh, s’iz Amerike (A. Lebedev/A. Olshanetsky)
Vilna, Vilna (A. Olshanetsky)
S’brent (M. Gebirtig)
Unter dayne vayse shtern (A. Budno)
Mathias Hausmann with Alan Mason
Hotelzimmer 1942 (H. Eisler)
An den kleinen Radioapparat (H. Eisler)
Auf der Flucht (H. Eisler)
Über den Selbstmord (H. Eisler)
Verfehlte Liebe (H. Eisler)
L’automne californien (H. Eisler)
Die Nacht bricht an (E. Zeisl)
I wish you bliss (E. W. Korngold)
Anthony Russell with Alan Mason
Mayn yugnt (S. Polonsky)
Bessarabia (Z. Bardichever, arr. S. Belarsky)
Viglid (L. Yampolsky, arr. S. Belarsky)
My Soul is Anchored in The Lord/Va’ani Tefilati (Psalm 69)
$39.00 each. [Purchase]